" No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
What a week it has been.
First thing Monday morning, my school schedule for the week ahead was already overwhelming. I had 2 exams and 3 homework assignments on my shoulders. And it doesn't help Monday morning when you wake up that you already know you have to go to work for 9 hours and then go to school for another 5 hours. WHERE is the bright side to that!? On top, Monday night is the class from hell. I have a Professor, who for lack of a better word, is unbearable.
I actually enjoy the degree I am pursuing and since I am paying for the education I receive, you would think that some respect and courtesy would be included in that bundle. Nope. Not with this man. In four years of college, I have never encountered someone so out of touch with his audience.
I really work on trying not to complain, because in the scheme of things I should have nothing to complain about-I live in America. I am getting an education. I am blessed with a family and friends-the list goes on. It could be much worse. But, this week hit me head on when I went to speak the same Professor I mentioned above about a paper I had written that apparently was not to his standard or liking. Being that it is still relatively early in the semester and I still have 3 papers to write for this man, I wanted clarification on what exactly he did not like about this one so that I could improve. Well, I was surprised at the criticism I got when I brought it up. He REAMED my paper, top to bottom. He accused me of making my "font larger and margins more narrow, so that I could reduce the quantity of my writing". Excuse me, really? On top of a few other insults, it was also thrown in that I did not have the college level writing style he preferred and I spent little to no effort (it took me at least 3 hrs) on the assignment. Never in my life, have I felt so inferior. Ever. In a ten minute conversation, that man managed to put me down, far, far down. And then I thought about it...I let him make me feel that way. I didn't have to, but I did. I did not stick up for myself, I took the blow. Why did I do that, it is pretty unlike me.
After I left speaking to him, I spent the next 15 minutes of our class break crying. Emotional Meltdown #1 of the semester. I had 15 minutes to let it out and then head back to listen to my Elementary School/College Professor teach for another hour and a half (This man writes a list on the board and crosses things off as we go). Awesome. I spent the rest of class thinking about why I said nothing, and I knew why. This guy scares me. I have anxiety when I walk into that room. When I left that night, Jessica met me outside (also beginning her week pretty crappy), and I decided after talking to her that I can't let him intimidate me. I will not let someone make me feel inferior, no sir, no thank you. Now, I just know that I have to get an A in the class, to prove him wrong.
That whole experience did teach me a lesson. I am getting ready to graduate and over the next few years as I will search to find my niche with a company, I am sure I will encounter people like this and will need tough skin. Well, its there now!
Good news, to prove to you readers that I am not just a stupid college student who can't write and is just complaining--I did great on both of my tests this week and got all those homework's done. Holla!
On to happier things.
Chad and I started our Wedding Registry. Oh My. I have never had so much fun shopping my life, and I didn't even have to spend any money. I can't wait to get into our own house (sometime shortly after the wedding) and start decorating and using everything. This is such an exciting time in our lives and I am trying to enjoy it because these next few years are the only ones we are going to have by ourselves and I want to make them great!
Only one dose of laughter this week:
I got home from class Tuesday night a little early and caught the new Honey Boo Boo. Sugar Bear and June got married. OMG. Here's the laughter part:
Holy Camo!
I feel like I have dwelled a bit on my Professor it was a real eye-opener for me. When bad stuff like that happens I am so thankful to have a great support system. After all, the World isn't going to end and I need to be reminded of that sometimes, lol. It really does mean the World though, that I am fortunate enough to have people around me that pick me up when I am down. And I could not ask for more.
Lord, thank you for this life.