Friday, August 30, 2013


It's Friday! I love when the weekend finally gets here--and this weekend is a long one! Chad (my fiance) and I are heading up to JMU to spend the weekend with my sister there. She just got her first house and we are gonna go live it up!

This week felt like it would never end. After my water-spilling-horrible-professor-late-night-class Monday night, it dragged on from there.

I finished my first full week of Senior year (Whoop Whoop!). All week long I had no idea where to go to next. I am having serious trouble keeping up with my classes. MGMT 389? MGMT 403? MGMT 433? ECON 303? Bleh.

But, a little light came through the tunnel Tuesday night while in my Managerial Econ class. I am one of 122 people in  this classroom waiting for our 10-minute late professor to show up. Classy on the first day, eh? A little Indian man walks through and turns out to be our professor. I love his high pitched voice and accent. He is the funniest, most light-hearted professor I have ever met-and he's teaching Economics !?! Ill take it!

Luckily, as the week went on I found out that I have several classes with an old friend from High School and it was good to catch up after so long. And, since my classes are so small now, almost all the same people are in all of my classes, which I prefer since we have so many group projects. Speaking of....Group Projects will be the death of me. In one week, I was assigned 4 semester long Case Analysis projects....Holla! NOT.

This week killed me physically, mentally and emotionally. Wednesday morning I found out that my dad was hit in his tractor trailer by another one in North Carolina. Just what I needed. Life slaps you in the face at the oddest/awful/weirdest/most unexpected times. I am thankful that he is OK. Since my parents are separated and my dad is the semi-healthy one, it is weird to think about losing  your parent who is not the one that is permanently ill. That was a big reality shock for me this week.

I felt so lucky to have two great friends there for me, Nicole and Jessica. Nicole is that friend that fixes your troubles with chocolate and that is just what she did, with an entire jar of M&Ms (Shhh don't tell Chad ;) ). Jessica is the person who does funny cute things to make you feel better so before class she treated me to my new favorite thing: Starbucks Orange Iced Coffee and after I got out of class (at 9:45 I might add!!!) I had the nicest, funniest note from her waiting for me on my windshield.

This week I am thankful for:

Great Friends
Great Family
God's many blessings in my life
And....Delicious Starbucks Coffee to keep me awake :)

Everyone enjoy your weekend!


Jessica :) the Kate Spade Monster

Nicole :) my Chocolate Advocate (wearing her fabulous Bridesmaid dress for my wedding might I add!)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Am I Ready For This ?...

I planned on posting yesterday but remembering to got away from me. Oops. Its Tuesday, and my first full week back to VCU. My senior year has finally come and I am trying to get through it, hopefully in one piece, and make it to May 10th graduation.

I decided it would be a good idea to take 5 classes and work 40 hours and plan my wedding this semester. My professor called  me a "crazy person" last night for that very reason. Eh, I think I can do it. I am sure at least one other person out there has done it successfully, and I will be the second.

Here's my dose of laughter to you all for the day: After working all day yesterday, I get to school and make it through my first class (that I was surprisingly very interested in) and head to get some coffee. While walking with a cup of water and my cup of coffee from the cafe downstairs, what do I do? I spill my entire cup of water. Everywhere. People staring at me, coffee on my pants, water everywhere. Hello Monday! I calmly went back to the cafe and told the nice lady working there that someone had spilled some water and asked for a wet floor sign to put out. Hey, I did the right thing, I just decided to leave out the embarrassing part that it was me.

Moving on, I get to my next class and am greeted by my professor. A man dry of personality and humor, he assigns a paper before class and expects us to turn it in as soon as we get in the door, "Aint nobody got time for that!", is running through my head at that moment. He then proceeds to tell us that we will never be leaving this 2 hour and 45 minute class a single minute early. Thanks Teach! Way to make my evening on a Monday! As I sit there in my coffee stained khakis, listening to this lecture, all I can think is, "What did I get myself into?!". This man continues to talk for the entire class period and by the end I am so exhausted I can barely stay awake. I was so thankful when 9:45 arrived.

Even on my weakest, hardest, longest days, God is there with me. Complaining comes so easy to us all and it makes us feel better in times of annoyance, hurt, anger, etc but the real task at hand is to put aside the complaining and focus on how blessed we truly are to have the things we do. I am working on this.

I am blessed to be able to go to college. I am blessed to live in a country where I can go to college. I am blessed to have a support system while I am there. I am blessed to even have a vehicle to get me there. I am blessed with a job that helps me pay for my education.

When we shrink it down to blessings, the complaining ceases and we see how much we truly have.

Hopefully Tuesday has less spills in store for me!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Here Goes...

Why am I doing this? That's what I'm thinking right now. I am a full-time college student, I work more than  full-time, AND I'm planning my wedding. But, despite all of that, I have a desire to share what is going on in my life right now. So, I will try to make time.

So much change is coming my way in the next year and I want to be able to get out stuff I necessarily wont talk about and I'll try not to complain about. So, here is my outlet.

I love the funny things in life. Laughter puts you at peace in the tough times and makes you happier in the sad ones.

Although it is a roller coaster for me right now I look forward to sharing the ups and downs, mundane days, and unforgettable moments with all you e-readers.
